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News and Insights

Information and resources on student loan repayment, financial wellness, and professional training.

    student loan repayment assistance

    The Great(er) Resignation

    The job market is about to get even more competitive — a new Microsoft/LinkedIn survey says ...

    A Deep Dive Into Student Loan Repayment Assistance

    Student loan repayment assistance is one of the fastest growing non-health employee benefits. It...

    Recruiting the Next Generation: How Employers Can Get an “A” with Gen Z

    The future of your workforce is here. As Baby Boomers retire, creating a looming talent shortage,...

    PSLF Update Includes Temporary Pause and Transition

    Beginning May 1, 2024, the Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF) and Teacher Education Assistance...

    Attigo Customer and Product Support Team Makes Your Success Their Mission

    At Ascendium, we're committed to partnering with organizations to support higher education...

    Student Loan Debt Adds to Employee Financial and Mental Health Stress

    Between the aftermath of the COVID-19 health crisis, inflation, low pay raises, and the October...

    Connect with us at an upcoming conference.



    Apr. 6-8: ASHHRA
    Apr. 28-30: NAPA 401(k) Summit
    Jun 29-Jul 2: SHRM National

    Higher Education

    Mar. 26-28: WASFAA - Wisconsin
    Apr. 1-3: MASFAA - Montana
    Apr. 9-11: IASFAA - Iowa
    Apr. 13-16: TASFAA
    Apr. 23-25: OASFAA
    May 1-2: AASFAA - Arizona
    May 19-21: WASFAA - West
    May 21-23: GASFAA
    May 26-30: FASFAA - Florida
    Jun. 24-27: NASFAA

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    For more than 55 years we have been supporting academic achievement, long-term financial wellness, and student loan repayment success. Our team has helped millions of people, and together we can help even more.

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