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News and Insights

Information and resources on student loan repayment, financial wellness, and professional training.

    online professional development

    Getting to Know Attigo’s Training Team

    As a people leader, you understand the importance of providing ongoing learning opportunities for...

    Removing the Mask of Financial Stress in the Workplace

    If you’re familiar with masquerade balls, you know that part of the fun is concealing your identity...

    New Year, New Start

    Goodbye, 2022! Do you sometimes wish you could wave a magic wand and achieve all the goals you’ve...

    Tips for Making Stress Relief a Priority

    Life happens, which means that you will inevitably always encounter challenges, problems and...

    New Opportunities for Professional Development

    The COVID-19 health crisis has put a lot on pause, including professional development...

    Tips to Build and Lead Successful Teams

    Do you love your job or want to leave it? I’m very lucky to love my job. Issues that arise are...

    Connect with us at an upcoming conference.



    Apr. 6-8: ASHHRA
    Apr. 28-30: NAPA 401(k) Summit
    Jun 29-Jul 2: SHRM National

    Higher Education

    Mar. 26-28: WASFAA - Wisconsin
    Apr. 1-3: MASFAA - Montana
    Apr. 9-11: IASFAA - Iowa
    Apr. 13-16: TASFAA
    Apr. 23-25: OASFAA
    May 1-2: AASFAA - Arizona
    May 19-21: WASFAA - West
    May 21-23: GASFAA
    May 26-30: FASFAA - Florida
    Jun. 24-27: NASFAA

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    For more than 55 years we have been supporting academic achievement, long-term financial wellness, and student loan repayment success. Our team has helped millions of people, and together we can help even more.

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