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How Geography Impacts Student Loan Repayment and Delinquency

Posted on Oct 14, 2024 2:33:48 PM
A woman wearing headphones sits at a desk viewing a map showing how economic factors impact student loan delinquencies across states.

Student loan delinquencies are rising in some states, causing concern among borrowers and policymakers alike. A recent analysis by WalletHub highlights the states where delinquency rates are increasing the most. The report takes into account factors like unemployment rates, inflation, and local economies to rank states based on student loan challenges.

For schools, alums, and employers, student loan repayment support from Attigo by Ascendium can help. Attigo offers tools and resources that help manage repayment, tailored to the unique challenges faced by borrowers based on their location.

Learn more and read the full article on delinquency trends here.

States Where Student Loan Delinquency is Increasing the Most

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