Reduce Financial Stress and Achieve Your Dreams Faster
Student loans are stressful regardless of income level. Let your employer know you’re interested in student loan repayment assistance and support.
Here’s How Your Employer Can Make Student Loan Repayment Easier
You know how much student loans affect all aspects of your life. From putting plans on hold to dealing with financial stress, student loan debt can hold you back. Fortunately, there are ways to help make student loan repayment easier, including student loan repayment assistance and support benefits from your employer.
What is student loan repayment assistance?
Student loan repayment assistance takes a variety of forms such as contributing to help employee’s pay down their student loans, tracking borrower payments to loan servicers to support a matching retirement account contribution, and facilitating monthly payments to loan servicers through a payroll deduction.
What is student loan repayment support?
Student loan repayment support includes one-to-one guidance from trusted student loan specialists and 24/7 online self-service resources. It helps employees and their families successfully navigate student loan repayment and understand repayment and forgiveness options and how to access them.
Why share this information with your employer?
Employers want to know which benefits are important to you because they value your work contributions. But since student loan repayment assistance and support benefits are new, many employers don’t know about the programs, their impact, or how to add them to their benefits line-up.

Source: Ascendium Survey
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Subject I’m interested in receiving student loan repayment and support benefits
Hi [Human Resources Leadership],
As you may know, student loans are a leading source of debt and a main cause of financial stress. I recently learned about Attigo’s employee benefits that could help.
Student loan repayment assistance takes a variety of forms such as contributing to help employee’s pay down their student loans, tracking borrower payments to loan servicers to support a matching retirement account contribution, and facilitating monthly payments to loan servicers through a payroll deduction.
Student loan repayment support includes one-to-one guidance from trusted student loan specialists and 24/7 online self-service resources. It helps you and your family successfully navigate student loan repayment and understand repayment and forgiveness options and how to access them.
These benefits could help our company better keep and attract top talent while reducing turnover costs. Please take a moment to review this helpful infographic and the Employer’s Guide to Student Loan Repayment Assistance to learn how to introduce these benefits.
Thanks for your time,
[Employee Name]